Born in Tokyo, Sayuri Nagoya has studied modern piano with Minoru Nojima at the Toho Gakuen Graduate School. After writing her master’s thesis on the subject of keyboard history, she was inspired by the historical instruments and started to study the harpsichord. ( In 2011, graduated with Research course diploma.)
From 2011, she started her pianoforte study at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussels as scholarship student of the government of Belgium. She performed the double concerto of C. Ph. E Bach (Wq. 47 H.479, Conductor: Paul Dombrecht) and Haydn (Hob. XVIII/ 6, Without conductor) as a soloiste. In 2014 she obtained Master Diploma pianoforte with Great distinction.
She is the winner of the 3rd Rosenstock International piano competition (Modern piano) and the 2nd Rome Fortepiano International Competition- « Muzio Clementi Prize”, and also won prizes at the 4th International Geelvinck Fortepiano Concours and the Square Piano Award. She will release her first CD by the works of Anton Eberl, from Brilliant Classics.
She studied harpsichord with prof. Chiyoko Arita, Ewald Demeyere, Kris Verhelst and Herman Stinders, pianoforte with prof. Piet Kuijken and Boyan Vodenitcharovthe, and Bart Van Oort, Chamber music with prof.Kazuoki Fujii, Ryo Terakado, Masahiro Arita.